
  Multi Dimensional Scales


                                                                            for the Multi Dimensional Model. ( click on link)

   Where we are not looking for correlations because the points where dimensions intersect or cross over will vary depending on the forces which move each dimension or scale.
        In some cases two or three or several dimensions which intersect with say dimension J at a point in time may not intersect at all at another point in time.
       an example might be the orbits of the planets around the sun  which sometimes line up but only at a point in time.

           the model is designed to  reflect the uniqueness of each survivor 
                                          and changes which occur due to factors such as:

  weather the memory vault is closed ........or open ....  .or there is a fresh memory bubble



                              recent trauma release  .............................................  or retraumatisation

                                                                                      being supported .....................................................................................................  or abandonded 

                                             shame removal ................................  or  subjected to shame dumping

      the changing influence of  ..... self awareness  ...  level of understanding ....  accessing  processing  of body memories

                        disruptions to ones  safety 

    and other influences or factors